Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Floating Photo

DSC_0028.jpg by Tom Raworth
DSC_0028.jpg, a photo by Tom Raworth on Flickr.
Just a Test


TwoFace by Tom Raworth
TwoFace, a photo by Tom Raworth on Flickr.
This is a Multiple Exposure of two peoples faces together i tried to get them as close as possible but having them very close created a strange surreal image

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Rest and Relaxation

More Polaroid Film

Got me some Roids! by Tom Raworth

Got me some Roids!, a photo by Tom Raworth on Flickr.
I bought some more polaroid film today expect more Photo's soon

Light Drawing

These are the light drawings i did one day with my brother and my cousin each one was done by drawing around one person then him moving into a different position and being drawn over again

The Full Set


A Walk In Yoxall
This was just my average walk around with a cousin it was shot on a canon t80 with an expired 12 shot film. 

Monday, 12 December 2011

Black and White Photography

Black And White

Really Like all of these Photo's I Tried to send them off to a magazine once but they got rejected :( 


Abandoned Places

I could write so much about this place its full of interesting history it used to be a manor house and it has been abandoned since the 50's it seemingly has been completely left alone since then and is full of everything you could expect from an average household really.

The Full Set

Polaroid Photography!


These were shot on a Polaroid land camera 350 in the last image it is blurry because i accidentally used bulb mode apart from that i love the photo's. The second one is a multiple exposure this was done by straight after the first shot another was taken before pulling the photo out. this created two exposures on the one piece of film.

My Medium Format Photography

Some Photo's I Took

Shot with a mamiya rb67 Cross Processed in c41. The middle image is a multiple exposure this is for my college project titled "Inter Somnia" which means Between Dreams.